Overtone Music Network

a common space & database for harmonic overtones

Betrachtet man die Geschehnisse der heutigen Zeit, könnte man sich zu fragen beginnen, ob das was passiert wirklich geschieht, oder nicht vielleicht doch nur...

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Comment by Bernhard Hanreich on May 4, 2022 at 1:47pm

When you look at what happens these days you might ask yourself, is this real?

Comment by Bernhard Hanreich on May 4, 2022 at 1:59pm

Is it real? Is it realy real?
Or is it just a bad tream?

What is it? What is it? what?
That i can See
Is it reatl? Is it realy real?
Or is it just an empty dream?

What is it? What is it ? What?
That I can hear?
Is it real? Is it realy Real?
Or is it justSound and smoke?

What is it? What is it? what?
That I speak?
Is it real? Is it realy real?
Or is it without sence?

What is it? What is it? What?
You might ask?
You should ask
If it helps is not sure!


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