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Bodhi Amol
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Bodhi Amol's Connections

  • Roderick Zeig
  • Max Brumberg
  • Danibal
  • Baird Hersey

Bodhi Amol's Groups


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Profile Information

About me:
Hello, I am living in a little town near Göttingen where i first learnt to meditate ,began Spiritual Therapies and became a Sannyasin in 1994.(Hello OSHO!)
My musical awakening began in 1992 on my second Rainbow Gathering in Poland where i started to liberate my voice doing free improvisation after having a hard time overcoming my inhibitions, thinking:"I can't sing like all these wonderful people around me", but i then i found out i could!
After the gathering 1994, where i was blown by sitting in the middle of a circle of around 40 Didgeridoo Players (one of the strongest psychedelic experiences I ever had in my life!), i started to teach me playing the didge.
1996 i was a proud member of the work team in the First European Didgeridoo Gathering in Switzerland, in the same year i saw Huun Huur Tu for the first time and started practising overtones right after the concert in the subway station.Before i only had a cassette of Michael Vetter who immpressed me a lot, but the tuvinian style was more down to earth and very lively, which appealed even more to me, so i moved quite naturally from "western overtones" to different syles of Chöömei. Unfortunately i was not able to find out how to sing like this for quite a while since there was not too much information around, especially NO INTERNET ! But by and by i gathered tips from here and there and sang along differnt cds and untill today my favourite way of practising is while riding my bicycle ! The jew's harp came to me only after i started singing ,but now i have a big collection and already some little stage performances.In 2006 i took part in the International Jew's Harp Festival in Amsterdam.Because of a severly broken arm a friend of mine created a helping mechanism so i could go on playing the Jew's harp, only sleeping under a bridge was a little adventurous, luckily annother participant of the festival joined me there!
Every weekend i do streetmusic with my didges, which i enjoy alot and sometimes i have stageperformances too.What a pity jew's harps are not loud enough for the streets, but in the distant future (after lots of practising) i might perform throatsinging with my Morin Khuur. My BIG DREAM is to go to the International Throatsinging Conferance in Tuva one day.....
Maybe somebody likes to join me on the way there?
Didge, Jew's Harp & Mouth Bow, Fujara (made by Max Brumberg), Morin Khuur (beginner), Djembe (beginner), Overtone Flute (made of an old washing machine tube)
Tuva (Huun Huur Tu, Gennadi Tumat et. al.), Michael Vetter, Stephen Kent, Graeme Wiggins (Doctor Didge & Outback), Australian Didge Players and their culture like Mark Atkins, Yothu Yindi etc., OSHO, Schamanism, Energy- and Bodywork, Dada & Surrealism, Punk/New Wave & Industrial Music, John Cage & the Classical Avantgarde ,Vocal Acrobats like Joan LaBarbara, Diamanda Galas, Demetrio Stratos, Jaap Blonk et.al, musics of the whole planet (Worldmusic and Ethnomusicology)

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At 6:02pm on June 17, 2008, Roderick Zeig said…
Hei hallo Bodhi Amol, ich hab in deinem Beschreib gesehen, dass Du Fujara spielst. Und dann hast du auch noch eine Brumberg - ganz edel. Ich würde mich freuen, wenn du im Fujara New's Group etwas über deine Fujara berichten würdest.

mit freundlichen Obertönen Roderick Zeig
At 9:58am on June 2, 2008, Danibal said…
schön mal was von dir in action zu sehen. :) die improvisation gefällt mir sehr. gruss aus holland!
At 5:06pm on April 17, 2008, Jens Mügge said…
Hello Bodhi Amol, my friend since our common time in Göttingen. I hope you can visit me in May in Berlin and stay for a week that we can busk in the Wilmersdorfer Street and near the Brandenburger Tor.
Your Jenska

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