Overtone Music Network

a common space & database for harmonic overtones

Roberto LANERI's Comments

Comment Wall (21 comments)

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At 10:19pm on August 19, 2010, Julia Renöckl said…
dear roberto,
I have already heard a lot of you by my collegue and friend wolfgang saus. I will stay in rome from sunday 22nd of august to friday 27th and I wondered if we could meet. I am overtone singer and musician in vienna. I had the project to write my dissertation about european overtone singing. at the moment I am more singing concerts, giving lessons and staying with my kids, but I'm sure I'll once write at least an article about all pioneers in europe like you. I would love to get to know you and perhaps hear you sing. thank you for answering, even if you don't have time for a meeting.
julia renöckl
At 10:54pm on December 16, 2009, Javier Nahum said…
Ciao Roberto!!!!
I uploaded a video singing with a friend, I hope you like it!
At 1:56pm on October 23, 2009, Anna-Maria Hefele said…
thank you very much! perhaps you should listen to the indian music with emiliano... i think you will like this;-) the second piece...
have a nice weekend!
At 7:06pm on November 18, 2008, Antonello Colimberti said…
Caro Roberto, ben rivisto e soprattutto ben ri-sentito!
At 12:45am on August 5, 2008, riccardo misto said…
salve maestro, richiedo anche su questo network la tua amicizia.
Un caro saluto.
At 9:57pm on July 22, 2008, Hinnerick Broeskamp said…
Dear Roberto,
just found you on this page after about 25 years. Probably you remember the project "Vor der Flut" we did together in the watertank in Cologne in 1984 together with Christian Bollmann and others.
Hope you're doing well. All the best Hinnerick Broeskamp
At 3:54pm on July 18, 2008, Werner Worschech said…
ciao roberto,
thanks for your answer and information about »ost-west-glocken«
best wishes to you!
At 6:54pm on July 17, 2008, Lorenzo Pierobon said…
ciao roberto, sono contento di trovarti qui, come va?
un saluto
At 3:29pm on July 17, 2008, Werner Worschech said…
Hello Roberto,
I like Your work very much, thank You for the music!!!
harmonic greetings from germany,
At 10:38am on July 17, 2008, Andrea Ferroni said…
io pure sono stato un pò assente.
uso poco il telefono perchè ho sempre paura di disturbare.

sono curioso di sentire.
pensi di passare a torino o nel nord italia a breve?
At 1:05am on July 17, 2008, Roberto LANERI said…
perché no? è un po' che non mi faccio sentire, ma sto lavoando a cose davvero molto forti, a volte persino per me!
At 5:06pm on July 16, 2008, Andrea Ferroni said…
Ciao Roberto, piacere di ritrovarti qui.

Spero di rivederti presto di persona... e magari lavorare insieme a qualche nuovo brano.
At 8:26am on July 4, 2008, Lorenzo Melodioso said…
Caro Roberto,
grazie per aver scritto quel bellissimo libro.
A presto,
At 4:08pm on June 7, 2008, OMN said…
Dear Roberto,
it is a great honour for me that you are here on Overtone Music Network. I can help you if you want. Can you send me an email at mail@overtone-network.org ? Then I will explain you how I can help you to edit your songs and any other things.
At 6:47am on June 7, 2008, OMN said…
Hello Roberto,
hope you stay well?!
At 9:16pm on May 22, 2008,
Bruno Amstad
very beautifull moods! the Hut Song remind me of a recording from jim metzner's album "pulse of the planet", there you can hear the pigmy singing from far through the forest, a absolut faszinating track. you found the same mood in your Hut Song.
nice to meet you here!


At 9:19am on May 15, 2008, OMN said…
Dear Roberto,
let me know if things improve after your new computer moves in. Hope you can use this platform without these issues. Send me a note if you need my help please.
Yours J.
At 12:55am on April 18, 2008,
Tran Quang Hai
I am glad that you can fill up all questions .
HOpe that you will enjoy being here
I have not seen my picture among your friends .
Why is it suppressed ?
Tran quang Hai
At 10:48am on April 16, 2008, Chris Amrhein said…
Dear Roberto,
you are the father of overtone singing in my live. I hear your singing on a LP of my own father 1986 and start to copy techniques in my rock music. This was the seat of a new singing experience and a reason why I am here on the network now. Thanks a lot for this. I am happy to know you here.
Love and Light
At 2:31am on April 16, 2008, Wolfgang Saus said…
Dear Roberto,
it's great to meet you here on board. It was your voice that infected me with that life changing sound experience back in 1983. I still have your recording "Two views of the Amazon" on vinyl that I bought earlyer, '81 or '82, without noticing that it was voice that I was listening to.

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