I am in the San Francisco Bay area for two weeks, largely to help kick start the First International Throat Singing Festival to be held in San Francisco in 2022. I am a good throat singer and a fairly good natural voice harmonic singer. Can you suggest anybody I can sing with in the Bay area? Are there any folks you know of who might like to help us organize the festival? Thanks, Michael
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Can you suggest anyone I can sing with in the Bay area? Can you suggest anyone who might like to help us organize the Throat Singing Festival?
Hi Mark,
I am in the San Francisco Bay area for two weeks, largely to help kick start the First International Throat Singing Festival to be held in San Francisco in 2022. I am a good throat singer and a fairly good natural voice harmonic singer. Can you suggest anybody I can sing with in the Bay area? Are there any folks you know of who might like to help us organize the festival? Thanks, Michael
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