Thanks David! I am staying in Petaluma now while I meet with folks about the Throat Singing Festival idear, and go through Oakland regularly just now. Went out to Tilden Botanic Gardens today. Let's get together and sing and chat sometime in the next two weeks. Can we?
I am in the San Francisco Bay area for two weeks, largely to help kick start the First International Throat Singing Festival to be held in San Francisco in 2022. I am a good throat singer and a fairly good natural voice harmonic singer. Can you suggest anyone I can sing with? Can you suggest anyone who might like to help us organize the Festival? Best, michael
Overtone Music Network
a common space & database for harmonic overtones
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Thanks David! I am staying in Petaluma now while I meet with folks about the Throat Singing Festival idear, and go through Oakland regularly just now. Went out to Tilden Botanic Gardens today. Let's get together and sing and chat sometime in the next two weeks. Can we?
I am in the San Francisco Bay area for two weeks, largely to help kick start the First International Throat Singing Festival to be held in San Francisco in 2022. I am a good throat singer and a fairly good natural voice harmonic singer. Can you suggest anyone I can sing with? Can you suggest anyone who might like to help us organize the Festival? Best, michael
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