Overtone Music Network

a common space & database for harmonic overtones

Riccardo misto's Comments

Comment Wall (15 comments)

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At 3:28pm on November 8, 2009, Javier Nahum said…
The videos and music are exelent!!!! more beatifull!!!!!!!

Nice to meet you!

I keep in touch whit you from Argentina!

P.D: sorry but my english. I'm studing. Bye!
At 11:43am on April 25, 2009, Dean Frenkel said…
Hi Riccardo,
I'm in Milan for a few more days and Jens suggested I contact you - possibly for a short get together though I'm leaving on Monday. I'm at the euro hotel Ph 39-03960441.
At 2:28pm on August 30, 2008, Marco Tonini said…
Grande! Grazie!
At 12:20pm on August 11, 2008, Werner Worschech said…
hello riccardo,
thanks for your friendship and your fine music!!!
best regards from germany, hope that we can meet us someday.
At 3:51pm on August 9, 2008, Jens Mügge said…
Hello Riccardo -
I wish you all the best for your new drums and tabla network on Ning. If I will not be so much involved in this new project on Ning I will support your network. Good idea ...
Best regards,
Yours Jens
At 7:22pm on August 7, 2008, riccardo misto said…
Ok Rebanta, thank you. I've made a little film in Kolkata last year. You can watch at:
Hope you like it...
At 12:46pm on August 7, 2008, Vladiswar Nadishana said…
Hi Riccardo! Nice to meet you!
Enjoy this music toy:

At 5:22pm on August 6, 2008, Lorenzo Pierobon said…
ok, appena passo da padova ti avviso con anticipo, così ci beviamo un caffè insieme. sul mio sito trovi e mail e cell, scrivimi i tuoi recapiti via mail..ciao
At 5:01pm on August 6, 2008, Lorenzo Pierobon said…
ciao riccardo, benvenuto. non ci conosciamo direttamente, ma siamo stati intervistati da alessandra f. per la sua tesi. io sto a monza, ma sono di origine veneta e quindi passo spesso da padova, magari un giorno ci si incontra. a presto
At 4:41pm on August 6, 2008, Paul Freh said…
Hi Riccardo,
I am just listening to your Overtones and I really do enjoy it. Very fine and subtle...
Keep on Spreading Good Vibrations.
At 11:21am on August 6, 2008,
Tran Quang Hai
Hi Riccardo,
I am happy to know that you are now member of this network.
Hope that you will enjoy to be here and put your contributions to the realm of overtones .
tran quang hai
At 1:31pm on August 5, 2008, Roberto LANERI said…
con piacere, grazie...
At 10:36am on August 5, 2008, Marco Tonini said…
Certo che si!
Dimmi se li vuoi in wav o mp3 e a quale bitrate, li hosto e ti mando il link per scaricarli, o se un giorno vieni a Verona a trovarmi ti do il cd direttamente.
At 7:44am on August 5, 2008, Jens Mügge said…
Hello Riccardo, you know maybe I am very busy. - So Marco gave you both importants links. On impressum page you find my contact data if you need any special support. I have found your Overtones & Guitar Video in CFT. So thanks a lot to share it here with us.Best regards,
Ciao - Jens
At 11:53pm on August 4, 2008, Marco Tonini said…
Che sorpresa!
Benvenuto qui da uno che è nato e vissuto a Padova per 35 anni e si ricorda della tua fama di polistrumentista.
Guarda te il mondo...
Chiedi pure o dai un'occhiata qui e qua.

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