Overtone Music Network

a common space & database for harmonic overtones

There are not so many Overtone Festivals in Europe. You can listen in Prague (Czech), Lund (Sweden), Schwaz (Austria), Dresden (Germany) and - in Barkhausen (Germany) - one day long various artists how they are singing overtones, harmonics and diphonic music. This year the event in Schwaz was cancelled. More than this the festival day in Barkhausen was very sucessful. Where is Barkhausen? It's in a beautiful landscape - the first mountain, if you are coming from the flat North Germany. For people from South Germany it seems to be the last hills on the way to the North Sea.
There - in the Wiehengebirge you can find a place in an old stone pit called Steinbruch an den Saurierspuren. You can find imprints from saurians there and to conserve these relicts from ancient times people built a hall with glass and iron over it - the sense if it: one of the best places for overtone concerts in nature without any booster amplifiers or stuff like that. Music in nature and pure nature music.

This year it was the Overtone Festival No. 5 - the opening by Weltenreiter was a fantastic start for this festival. Until yet I haven't found any video records from their concert.

Hans Ulijeman gave an impressive performance with a gong, some singing and crystal bowls, a dan moi and his overtone singing. A part of this performance is documentated in this video.

The next part was very lyrically and poetically: Lilith Eckholt, Kolja Simon und Gisbert Schürig gave a musical interpretation for some fairy tales from different cultures. Their program "Zwischen den Welten" was really a pure enjoyment. Here are some impressions of their performance:

Continue the program with Pan meets Daphne (Peter Bayreuther und Dieter Strothmann) with ...

Before Jan Heinke and Wolfgang Saus played the duo motion with a fantastic performance. Thanks to Jan Meenken and Detlef Sellenriek that I could add this video to vimeo.

motion (Johanna Geith www.openstringquartet.de & Willem Schulz www.willemschulz.de) live with the piece motion.

Each concert performance is a special highlight. If Jan Heinke and Wolfgang Saus playing together you can call it a highlight of an overtone performane. Both are brilliant musicians - together they are fulminant and more than this.

The last gig was with Transmongolia. I hope to find or get more stuff from this gig soon.

Really it is was a wonderful festival day - a day in overtone paradies.

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