Overtone Music Network

a common space & database for harmonic overtones

The following pics show an interesting test result from water that was exposed to the recent overtone concert and chant evening in Munich: (September 4th 2008) I always put a bowl of water up for vaporizing and refreshing the air during my concerts. Later I pour out the water that has been energized through sound into a lake or river in order to re-inform nature with the vibrations of the harmonics that are captured in the water (please see further information about this topic on my web site under Peace Pool Project or read about water as a carrier of information/vibration in Dr. Masuro Emoto's work).

Ulrich Kurt Dierssen, Construction Biologist and Geomantic, who was attending the concert, asked me to take samples of the water before and after the event to examine it under a dark field microscope. Usually dark field examinations are used for blood analysis and considering the blood of consisting mostly of water the question arises if our blood also changes its geometry when we are exposed to overtone music. . .

Enjoy the documentation

With Sound and Love
Christian Bollmann


This content has been seen 194 times

Comment by Maria Cristina El Busto on May 22, 2009 at 5:59pm
Gracias Christian!! me parece una muy buena idea colocar agua en un bol mientras ejecutamos o cantamos armonicos.- He leido las pruebas de Dr. Mazaru Emoto y al ver las fotos en tu pagina que muestran el cambio en el agua, eso es lo que sucede.- Sigamos recuperando la armonia!
Maria Cristina El Busto -Buenos Aires - Argentina


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