Source: Gerhard Richter and www.swr.de/swr2/programm/sendungen/
On May 20th 2010 you could listen (sorry in German of course) a broadcast about overtone singing in Germany at SWR 2 - Thema Musik. I recorded this broadcast for you ... here is the recorded stream >>> Stimmung aus zwei Tönen [mp3 download link]
Overtone singing is always a part of ritual folk music of the Mongolian Altai Mountains and the Tibetan plateaus. Since then avantgardist Karlheinz Stockhausen used this dual tones in his composition "Mood" in the German cultural landscape in 1968. In the last 40 years, overtone singing gets more and more popular. Choirs, improvisers, seekers, musicians, film music share and use overtones because of a surprising emotional impact. Science also gets an eye behind these vocal cords. By the way children can sing overtones very easy, adults recommend a workshop. Here you will learn first: courage to your own voice!
Listen the voices of Dangaa Khosbayar (Hosoo), Wolfgang Saus, Prof. Steffen Schreyer, Christian Bollmann, Simon Jakob Drees, Dr. Sven Grawunder, Robert Zollitsch, Miroslav Großer, members of the European Overtone Choir EOC, participants of an overtone singing workshop by Wolfgang Saus, Jens Mügge, etc. in this broadcast of SWR 2 Radio
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