Overtone Music Network

a common space & database for harmonic overtones

Sven Grawunder, PhD, phonetician and scientist from Max Planck Society Leipzig, published a very recommendable scientific book on Siberian throat singing. It's the most sophisticated and comprehensive disquisition on the topic I found until now.
Grawunder, S.: On the Physiology of Voice Production in South-Siberian Throat Singing. 1. Ed. : Frank & Timme, 2009 – ISBN 386596172X
Find it on www.amazon.de.
Not available on www.amazon.com yet.


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Comment by Wolfgang Saus on April 7, 2009 at 2:33pm
For some reason my blog entry was deleted from the start page.

But as I saw, Sven announced the publishing of his new book himself a few minutes ago. Inspite of his modesty about his book I thoroughly recommend it as the current state of the art. Sven, don't be shy, it's the best you can find around.

Comment by Wolfgang Saus on April 7, 2009 at 5:24pm
I recommend to use Jens' link instead of mine if you consider buying the book.
Comment by Jens Mügge on April 8, 2009 at 9:35am
Your blog entry was featured on the start and as I saw the second announcement for this book by Sven Grawunder I featured Sven's blog entry and stop the featuring of your blog entry ... just because I do not want feature this announcement twice. I haven't delete your posting and hope you understand that I gave preference to Sven's blog entry. Good to know how I can order this new book directly via the publisher Frank & Timme. I beg your pardon Wolfgang if I confused you. I think we can be happy about Sven Grawunders new book.
Happy Eastern and I wish you a good and sucessful meeting with the European Overtone Choir. Jens


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