Overtone Music Network

a common space & database for harmonic overtones

Help crowd-fund this contemplative/sacred music Album!


Please click here to check out the project/video.

About this CD: 

Watching the video above, you'll see that this CD is the result of a long journey that started with my first experiences in meditation and ended, after living in a monastery and moving accross the ocean twice, with my longing to record a master musical piece that connects all these different aspects and gifts in a coherent and organic way.

In the album you will hear vocals in styles inspired by Lisa Gerrard, Lama Gyurme, David Hykes and The Harmonic Choir, the Dhrupad Indian school, the Qawwali Sufi style, and Armenian, Turk, Tibetan and South American Indigenous styles of singing. 

You will hear the magical Duduk, traditional Armenian flute and instrument of the desert. People say "this flute's sound is the most similar to the human voice". An instrument with more than 2000 years of musical heritage.

You'll hear percussion instruments from Iran, Tibet, Argentina and Peru.

You will experience deep electronic music following Sasha's footsteps, and soothing string, brass and choral arrangements.

My aim is to record a sacred music album that really transforms you when you hear it. Deep, moving, and heartfelt, this music will flow like a waterfall from the ocean where all things come from. My mission is to step out of its way and let the river come across, hearing what needs to be played and letting my knowledge of all these musical instruments and the voice to express it, weaving slowly the textures and materials of songs and abstract pieces, like putting a puzzle together.

Hopefully this music will be present in Yoga classes, Meditation retreats, sacred Dance and movement sessions, healing sounds therapies, friends meetings, and in the background of everyday life, reminding us of the mystery and beauty of life.

Can you help me realize this dream?

Thank you so much!


This content has been seen 202 times

Comment by Ellen Berg on August 16, 2012 at 11:02pm


i have the same inspiration.
lets flow for a enlightening healing sound.Kemuo.jimdo.com


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