Overtone Music Network

a common space & database for harmonic overtones

CD "Sound Meditations Vol. 2" is out now

  1. Intro 6:50
  2. Follow me, my Fellow I. 2:22
  3. My heart is restless until it rests in You 4:33
  4. Thinking of You 4:17
  5. Intermezzo 2:28
  6. Listen, O God, my Prayer 7:31
  7. From the Deepness of my Heart 4:12
  8. Sanctuary 4:52
  9. Follow me, my Fellow II. 4:19
  10. The Paradise is Everywhere 3:44
  11. Conclusion 4:50
  12. Circle of Life 4:26


Jens Mügge: Sound Meditations Vol. 2 - Artwork by Claudia Dose - Graphic Realisation / Design: Jens Mügge


From the Booklet:
The music of these »Sound Meditations Vol. 2« is recorded on 26th October 2012 at Ökowerk Berlin Grunewald. Like the first music album »Sound Meditations« the recordings took place in the drained water storage of the Oekowerk, now in the first room of the water reservoir. »Sound Meditations Vol. 2« is completely a self-production. Source of inspiration for this music is the unique sound space of the water reservoir – the instruments are my voice with overtone singing, two shrutiboxes, one from South India and the second from England, tuned in B-flat; a fujara, a kalimba and sansula and finally two jew's harps, a khomus from Yakutia and a marranzano from Sicily. The recordings were taken live. They are all musical improvisations, recorded just in the moment of playing. Finally, I thank Claudia Dose – www.claudiadose.com – for using one of her artworks once again. Her work »Burned Angel« is just on the same wave like I feel a deep resonance that I became the permisson to use it for the booklet and label of this music album. I wish you joy, peace and time of contemplation with the recordings of »Sound Meditations Vol. 2«

Jens Mügge Berlin – 10. Dezember 2012



You can purchase this CD as MP3 download via bandcamp, iTunes, amazon or CD Baby.

Purchase the CD via bandcamp Buy Sound Meditations Vol. 2 via iTunes Amazon MP3 Download Buy the CD Sound Meditations Vol. 2


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