Overtone Music Network

a common space & database for harmonic overtones

Announcing Worldwide Sleep Apnea-Didgeridoo Network!


Didgeridoo for Sleep Apnea

Do you play didgeridoo? Here is an opportunity for you.

Several medical and sleep disorder organizations are recommending that playing the didgeridoo (also didjeridoo, didjeridu, didg, didj) can help people with sleep apnea, a common disorder that can have serious health implications, and also some cases of snoring that have a throat component. These include the USA National Institutes of Health and the Mayo Clinic.

Playing the didgeridoo is fun, sounds great, and is easy for most people to learn! These qualities make it easy to stick with a program.

There are estimates that 6-8% of men and 2-4% of women have sleep apnea, and many more that have throat-related snoring issues. This means that millions of people in America alone have sleep apnea, and millions of partners and family members are also affected. There are dozens of sleep-clinics in our state of MN alone. It's a problem that is becoming much better-known via an increasing number of TV shows, radio programs, news features, and word-of-mouth. Just last week, treating sleep apnea with didgeridoo playing was the subject of a Penn and Teller special on TV!

We have been contacted by sleep clinics and patients, and didge stores have increased sales and promotions. However, most health professionals dealing with sleep apnea and most suffers still do not know any didgeridoo teachers or didgeridoo suppliers. It is our goal to change this. There are opportunities available for didgeridoo players who want to teach!

Our goal is to connect didgeridoo teachers with the patients and clinics in a mutually-beneficial relationship. We'll also provide some educational resources for patients, clinics, and didgeridoo teachers.

We are creating a directory of didgeridoo teachers which will be provided to the public free of charge, at http://sleepapneadidgeridoo.com/ We will also provide some educational resources for patients, clinics, and didgeridoo teachers.

We expect to have the directory available with its first members by Nov. 6, 2011.

Introductory Offer: Through December 31, 2011 the price for a year's listing in the network is US $20.00. Beginning January 1, 2012 the price will be US $25.00.


Thank you,

Steve Sklar

This content has been seen 219 times

Comment by Steve Sklar on January 25, 2012 at 4:26am

The Worldwide Sleep Apnea-Didgeridoo Network is now live! If you are a didgeridoo player that wants to help others and increase your teaching earnings, go now to http://sleepapneadidgeridoo.com/ to learn more.


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