Overtone Music Network

a common space & database for harmonic overtones

Maaike's Blog News (3)

You give me fever...dengue mosqitos use overtones for selecting mates

Read in NRC Next this morning (the got it from Science): recent research has shown that dengue mosquitos, the ones responsible for yellow fever, adjust their mating buzz until they sound in harmony.

Normally, male mosquitos buzz at a frequency of aroud 400 Hz, and female ones at 600 Hz. But when two potential lovers meet, they adjust their buzz until they create a harmonic of about 1200 Hz. When the male has reached the correct overtone, they start mating.

Ehm...well,… Continue

Added by Maaike on January 14, 2009 at 5:12pm — No Comments

Breath, voice, overtones - day 1

Yeah, my course in overtone singing has finally begun! Lots of fun, and even some overtones shimmering through already :-)

I wrote a post on day one on my own weblog, Klang440.org.

Added by Maaike on October 1, 2008 at 10:25pm — No Comments

A sort of homecoming

I usually write at my own blog at www.klang440.org, but since this is a very overtone-related post, I've copied it here as well.


Ever since I stopped singing, I’ve kept a little door open somewhere in the back of my heart. Sure enough, I don’t see myself singing in chamber choirs, oratorio choirs or project choirs, and I definitely don’t want to sing solo parts in front of large audiences any longer, but deep down I’ve remained convinced that singing is… Continue

Added by Maaike on September 6, 2008 at 3:00pm — No Comments

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