Overtone Music Network

a common space & database for harmonic overtones

Gisbert Schürig's Blog News (29)

Overtone Etude


A short piece with overtone singing and guitar. I composed this after looking at chordal structures in the overtone scale and demonstrating how to sing these as overtone arpeggios. Especially the augmented chordal structures are inspired by that, I did not use these for…


Added by Gisbert Schürig on May 6, 2014 at 6:47pm — No Comments

Neue Aufnahme: Szhenieb

Mehr Info dazu hier:

Added by Gisbert Schürig on September 9, 2013 at 10:20pm — No Comments

Polyrythmic Polyphonic version of Gogokokoroko


(english below)

Mit der "Kargyraa Krew" Kolja Simon, Felix Mönnich und Martin Pässler habe ich bereits eine Version von Gogokokoroko aufgenommen, findet sich hier: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aN8s7lMUCJk

Die Komposition ist Teil meines "erlogene afrikanische…


Added by Gisbert Schürig on January 29, 2013 at 1:54pm — No Comments

Fek Ber - "Polyrhythmische Kehlkomposition"


(english below)

So, auf Soundcloud gibt´s eine Version meiner Komposition Fek Ber zu, die zur "Falsche Afrikanisch Erinnerungen"-Werkgruppe gehört, also geht es auch hier um die Verbindung von west-afrikanisch und Pygmäen-inspierierter Rythmik mit Obertongesang und Kehlgesang. Um diese Mischung aus "immer das Gleiche/immer etwas anders" zu erzeugen, habe ich zunächst alle Phrasen…


Added by Gisbert Schürig on January 25, 2013 at 1:41am — No Comments

Some thoughts on music aesthetics and overtone singing

This is a text I wrote in the aftermath of the alumni meeting of Wolfgang Saus intensive overtone workshop participants; not a sophisticated theory but just some thoughts scrambled together to stimulate a conversation. Originally written in german and only for the alumni group, this is a translation I did due to interest from non-german-speakers. I omitted some passages of the german version and surely made mistakes.

Some aesthetic considerations related to overtone singing



Added by Gisbert Schürig on April 24, 2012 at 9:01pm — 1 Comment

Einige musikästhetische Überlegungen in Bezug zum Obertongesang

Hier ein Text den ich im Nachklang zum Alumni-Treffen von Wolfgang Saus Obertonschülern geschrieben habe; eher einige Gedanken zur Anregung eines Gesprächs und keine ausgefeilte Positionierung:

Einige musikästhetische Überlegungen in Bezug zum Obertongesang

Obertöne zu hören bedeutet eine Sensibilisierung der Wahrnehmung; wo vorher ein Ganzes, eine einzige geschlossene Gestalt war - der Ton - entdeckt man als Obertonanfänger nach einer Weile des Hinhörens eine Fülle von…


Added by Gisbert Schürig on April 6, 2012 at 10:07pm — 9 Comments

Proben mit Blotch

Ein bisschen neuer kehliger Gesang am Anfang eines alten Stückes von Blotch.

Kolja Simon hat auf der CD-Fassung schöne expressive Sachen mit seiner Stimme beigesteuert. Ich hab eine Weile gebraucht um meinerseits was zu finden und dieses monotone Brummen gefällt mir ganz gut...schulterklopf :)

Macht großen Spaß mit unserem Rhythmus-Ehepaar Dennis & Dora,…


Added by Gisbert Schürig on January 25, 2012 at 8:34pm — No Comments


Working on my ability to use electronic loops on a track called 'Sedna'.

Added by Gisbert Schürig on November 17, 2011 at 3:00pm — No Comments

Rehearsing with ableton live´s looper-tool

I want to use the looper tool of ableton live on stage, so I need some practice and that is why you see me rehearsing 'Eka' (Ethno Kitsch Atmo) of the 'Fake african memories here. I am not satisfied with my ways of routing different channels to the looper, I hope I can find out a better way. The throat singing is my style of blending asian and african inspiration.… Continue

Added by Gisbert Schürig on November 16, 2011 at 11:30pm — No Comments

New Para Hybrid video: Void

This is a video to accompany my composition 'Void' one of my 'Fake african memories'. Thanks to the Nikon D-7000 the quality is much better than before. It was recorded at a rehearsal of the Kargyraa Krew in June, in the editing I finally used only the images of me, because I´m the only singer on that track (two short loops).

Neither video nor the sound are… Continue

Added by Gisbert Schürig on September 20, 2011 at 8:30am — No Comments

Kargyraa Krew

This is the first sketchy video of the Kargyraa Krew, singing parts of my composition 'Gogokokoroko'.

voices - Kolja Simon, Felix Mönnich, Martin Pässler, Gisbert Schürig

composition and programming - Gisbert Schürig

I am looking forward to our gig in Cologne on december the 11th and for the next recording sessions next… Continue

Added by Gisbert Schürig on December 3, 2010 at 12:26am — 2 Comments

Mascara Video Testversion

Hier ein Testvideo zu meiner Komposition Mascara. Ich habe einfach meine Basteleien drauflosgefilmt und es dann zur Musik geschnitten. In der Mitte sind einige Ansichten aus dem bisherigen Entstehungsprozess. In der fertigen Fassung wird es wohl eine Mischung aus Einstellungen mit der Papierfigur und von mir im Kostüm geben.

Im Gegensatz zum Video ist die Musik schon so, wie sie gedacht ist - wobei, ich mag den Gedanken des offenen, unabgeschlossenen Werkes… Continue

Added by Gisbert Schürig on November 6, 2010 at 9:26pm — No Comments

Proto Hybrid & Kargyraa Krew - live Fotos

Anaid Namohl (http://www.flickr.com/photos/fraduhr/) hat tolle Fotos von Robodonien 2010 geschossen, darunter auch einige wunderschöne Ansichten des Gigs von Proto Hybrid & Kargyraa Krew.

Added by Gisbert Schürig on September 21, 2010 at 2:30pm — No Comments

Kalimba! Spryh and Mascara with Lothar Berger

Lothar Berger and me trying out combinations of guitar, kalimba and 2 voices on the patterns of Spryh. Lothar is a teacher of the ta-ke-ti-na method and overtone singer. Unlike me, he often changes the fundamental note while singing overtones. The pattern he sings here reminds me of the xhosa women´s overtone singing.

A cozy evening version of Mascara - it´s full of mistakes, I am messing up chords, the intonation is sloppy but still it conveys… Continue

Added by Gisbert Schürig on August 3, 2010 at 2:07pm — No Comments

Proto Hybrid & Kargyraa Krew - Robodonien 2010

The video shows impressions of Robodonien 2009 where we played with my band blotch - you hear my voice from our concert. The band is shown only briefly but you can watch the dancer who supported our sounds.

2010 Robodonien will be the place for the first gig of the project presented in this blog:

Proto Hybrid & Kargyraa Krew

I think this is exactly the right place for the premier of this project and I´m looking forward to… Continue

Added by Gisbert Schürig on July 30, 2010 at 9:30pm — No Comments

Kargyraa Krew - Afrodonia Jam

Three jams based on parts of my Fake African Memories compositions Gogokokoroko, Spryh and Mascara - on stage at the Afrodonia Festival in Cologne.

The Kargyraa Krew: Kolja Simon, Martin Pässler & me, cajon played by Peter Halves. While the polyphonic subtleties I have in mind for the choir versions of my songs will take more time to be realized on stage, these singers instantly add power and liveliness with their performance which is… Continue

Added by Gisbert Schürig on July 3, 2010 at 11:16am — No Comments

A rehearsal of my composition Gogokokoroko

A rehearsal of my composition Gogokokoroko, the looper of Ableton live substitutes the other singers. It´s not as lively but you get an impression of the sound. I´m looking forward to doing this with three singers and drums and percussion next week.…


Added by Gisbert Schürig on June 23, 2010 at 12:00am — No Comments

Mascara with two Kargyraa voices

This is the first step to building a "Kargyraa Krew" to sing the compositions of my "Fake African Memories". Martin Pässler is doing a fascinatingly deep bass figure while I am singing two melody parts, which will be sung simultaniously as soon as we are three singers - Kolja Simon will join us soon.

Anyone who is interested in collaborating on this project, please contact… Continue

Added by Gisbert Schürig on June 13, 2010 at 10:27pm — No Comments

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