Mantra for the divine | Maha Mantra by Katja
Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare performed by KatjaMaha Mantra, also called Hare Krishna Man...
a common space & database for harmonic overtones
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Hi from Spain!
I sing with "MuOM, Barcelona Overtone Singing Choir" & we visit London & Wales at the end of this month! It'd be a genuine blessing for the group if you are able to attend an event or share the info with some of your contacts, if you feel inspired to do so.
Thank you & enjoy your week!
"MuOM, Barcelona Overtone Singing Choir" in concert:
Friday July 25th - 8:30pm
St. Peter’s Vauxhall Church
(amazing acoustics!)
Vauxhall Station
£10 online now / £13 door:
Saturday July 26th - 8:00pm
St. Ethelburga’s Centre for Peace & Reconciliation
("Listen to the World Concert Series")
Liverpool Street Station
£12 - please book online:
Sunday, July 27th - doors open 7:30pm
Llangollen Fringe Festival, Wales (closing concert)
(in the ruins of a spectacular abbey)
£7.50 - please book online:
Facebook event page for all 3 concerts:
(your click on "going" genuinely helps :)
video clips:
(new, short clip)