Overtone Music Network

a common space & database for harmonic overtones

Wolfgang Saus's Page

Wolfgang Saus's Blog News

If You Recognize the Melody, You Are Exceptional.

This is the explanation why you hear or don't hear a melody in this sound. And it's basic for the understanding of overtone singing.

Posted on August 15, 2022 at 7:48pm —

Only 1 Out Of 20 Can Hear This Melody - Do The Hearing Test

I developed a hearing test for professional musicians. It aimes on the development of a better awareness of overtones in singing voice. The website is in German right now, use google translate if needed. But the main content are the sound samples anyway.

Photo by Seth Doyle on…


Posted on September 20, 2017 at 3:41pm —

Merry Christmas with a German X-Mas Song with Overtones

Harmoniversum - Wolfgang Saus & Michael Reimann.

Download scores, MuseScore files and instructions for free.…


Posted on December 24, 2016 at 9:00pm —

Overtone Singing Girls Choir – Carmina Slovenica

An absolutely fascinating girls choir with incredibly versatile sounds. They interpret Past Life Melodies by Sarah Hopkins with composed overtone effects.

Posted on August 22, 2014 at 5:00pm —

Profile Information

About me:
Classical baritone, vocal teacher, scientist.
Overtone singing since 1983.
Co-developer and initiator of Overtone Analyzer and VoceVista Video software.
» http://www.sygyt.com/
Scientific work on vocal sound production.
Author of the reference book "Oberton Singen", ISBN 3-933825-36-9.
» http://www.oberton.org/portfolio-item/oberton-singen-buch-cd/
Author of self-study DVD "The Overtone Workshop", ISBN 978-3-933825-82-7.
» http://www.oberton.org/portfolio-item/dvd-der-oberton-workshop/
Founder and voice coach of the European Overtone Choir.
» http://www.overtonechoir.eu/
As a band we are:
Overtone singing and classical baritone.
Coming from classical contemporary music. Inspiring performances with Gidon Kremer, Geroge Prêtre, Fritz ter Wey, Anders Eby, Helmut Rilling, King's Singers, Mircea Diaconescu, Wolfgang Seeliger, Nory Jacoby, Michael Wolpe, Steffen Schreyer, Victoria Hanna.

Wolfgang Saus's Photos

Comment Wall (56 comments)

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At 3:00pm on August 16, 2015, RAMI SHAAFI said…

Hello Wolfgang,
It was lovely to meet you at the festival.
You sing beautifully.
I also enjoyed singing together very much.
Looking forward to seeing you soon.
Love and Blessings

At 9:15pm on September 5, 2013, thom said…

Hi Wolfgang, nice to meet you even here ;-)
c u soon somewhere!
Best wishes!

At 4:50pm on December 2, 2012, Thomas Mörth said…

Hallo Wolfgang !

Schön Dich hier zu finden. Schon lange her, seit wir über oberton.org kontakt hatten ... hat sich ja eine Menge getan...
hab gesehrn, daß bei meinem Profil noch die alte Web-Adressse steht, wenn es mal Deine Zeit erlaubt wäre es toll wenn Du sie ändern könntest ... liebe Grüße aus Wien Thomas


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