Sound Therapist and Teacher of Healing Sounds techniques. I work with harmonic instruments with myself and people which comes to me in the searching of inner harmony and peace.
I participate at the Circle of Sound ( in the Solsticium and Equinoxes Ceremonies and in the OMPH project (Sound Mandala)
Tibetan Singing bowls, Crystal bowls, voice, framedrums, digeridoo, gong,amazonian seeds, ting shas, tibetan bells, jewish harps, kalimbas..... and everything that makes a wonderful, healing sound... but simple, natural, not electronic devices!
David Hykes, Christian Bollmann, Andres Saggio, Daniel Namkhay, Bobby Mc Ferrin, Steve Turre, Mozart, "Chango" Farias Gomez, Leda Valladares, Albert Rabenstein, Sylvia Nakkach,Fabien Maman
At 12:54am on November 8, 2009, Javier Nahum said…
Hola Rosa, que bueno que haya una respuesta tan pronto!!!! muchisimas gracias... estaría interesado en intercambiar técnicas si le parece... me da mucha intriga conocer las técnicas que usted practica... y tambien saber en que parte de latinoamerica esta usted...
Hola Rosa. Qué bueno saber de tu página. Yo estoy aprendiendo a tocar el didgeridoo, y me encantan sus infinitas posibilidades. Un gran saludo desde Paraguay. Julio.
Igor Ezendam singing overtones at sunset at the Buddha Hall in Arillas, Corfu, Greece, with the Buddha Hall house cat. Recorded 2024.03.21If you want to hear...
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Hare Hare Mahamantra , ( Sanskrit : महामन्त्र mahāmantra) means "Great Mantra", ...
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Un cariño lleno de armónicos!
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Espero les gusten.
Un abrazo a todos. Luz.
Que la armonía te envuelva siempre en su orden sagrado