I was a violinist and took my three housemates with me in a consciousness process and also in my enthusiasm for music, especially renaissance music and self composed music (in renaissance style). I developed a method with coloured music notes, drawn by my sister Jeannette, who lives also in our living group. The colours of the notes are changing in every song, so you (especially children) keep reading notes instead of colours.
As a band we are:
We live together with our four from 2006. We played the viol and the lute, the last yaer we sing very much, nearly every day. May 2014 we did the 8 day process in our house via internet in May 2014 with Camila and Akahi to become free from the need of food. I composed music on the 7 affirmations we got from Akahi every day and made them 4-part!! When we sing the 4-part songs a capella people are deeply touched.
We are in the process to live from light. The last year we sing nearly every day a couple of hours, to sing in resonance and in tune. The less we eat the more we can sing overtones with each other, like a kind of aura.
I was a violinist and learned myself and my three housemates to play viola da gamba and lute. We made bambooflutes of one tone ourselves. With these flutes we can make 1 or 2 part songs, also with children and people who never made music before in there life.
Conservatory of Amsterdam, Bach cantates and the music for solo violin, renaissance music Palestrina, John Dowland, Vittoria, overtone music, my mother and father, the sense of being a woman, babies and children are also very inspiring to me. Contact with butterflies, robins.
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