Overtone Music Network

a common space & database for harmonic overtones

New Pricing Plans by Ning

In July 2010, the provider of our Overtone Music Network Community software will roll-out three new pricing plans - Ning Mini, Ning Plus and Ning Pro - and begin phasing out their free service. Below you see the list of all three package. To continue the value of this Overtone Music Network and provide a music player on this network we recommend you to purchase for $ 19,95 an own subdomain website address for your profile (included with an own email address). Make your profile page to your second marketing website to promote your music on Overtone Music Network.

What is Ning Mini?
Ning Mini, priced at $2.95/month, is the simplest and fastest way to set up a social network for your classroom, small nonprofit or family group. Ning Mini provides a basic set of features, accommodates networks of up to 150 members, and includes ad-free or run your own ads. For $2.95/month or $19.95/year, Ning Mini is perfect for Network Creators with smaller networks and a limited budget.

What is Ning Pro?

Ning Pro, priced at $49.95/month, is the ideal solution for Creators building a comprehensive social experience who need additional features, integration and support. Ning Pro includes all current Ning features, as well as run your own ads, use your own domain, no Ning promotion links, additional storage and bandwidth and premium support — a 33% discount off of what this package costs under our current pricing model, and a 46% discount if you pay the annual price of $499.95. Ning Pro customers will also have the option in the near future to upgrade to get API access and HD video.

What is Ning Plus?

Ning Plus, priced at $19.95/month, provides the robust set of tools and features you need to build and grow a highly-engaged, branded social network – at an incredible value. Ning Plus includes all current Ning features except for video and music uploads and branded players. This plan also includes run your own ads, use your own domain, and remove Ning promotion links. Ning Plus is a incredible value at $19.95/month (a 40% discount) or $199/year (a 63% discount).

Here is the list of their new pricing model.

Ning Mini Ning Plus Ning Pro
or $19.95/year* (save 44%)
or $199.95/year* (save 16%)
or $499.95/year* (save 17%)
Members Up to 150 Unlimited Unlimited
Storage Help 1 GB 10 GB 20 GB + upgrade
Bandwidth Help 10 GB 100 GB 200 GB + upgrade
Blog Check Check Check
Photos Check Check Check
Forum Check Check Check
Birthdays Check Check Check
Video embeds Help Check Check Check
Video and Music uploads with branded players Help Continued access to current videos - but without a musicplayer on your page and the start page Check
Chat Help Check Check
Events Check Check
Groups Check Check
Notes and Pages Help Check Check
Ning Apps Help Check Check
Viral Tools
Invite Page Network Creator only Network Creator and members Network Creator and members
Branded badges Help Check Check
Facebook and Twitter integration Help Check Check
with Facebook, Twitter or other authentication services
(Coming soon)
Check Check
Ad-free/ability to run ads Help Check Check Check
Custom network ID Help Check Check Check
Domain mapping Helpwww.overtone.cc Check Check
Remove Ning branding and links Check Check
Custom CSS Help Check Check
Analytics Box Help Check Check
Language Editor Check Check
Text boxes on homepage 3 25 25
RSS feeds on homepage 1 25 25
API Access
(Coming Soon)
Text boxes in header and footer
(Coming Soon)
Check Check
Member statistics
(Coming Soon)
Check Check Check
Feature controls Member and blog moderation on Check Check
Advanced member controls
(Coming Soon)
Help Check Check
Language filter
(Coming Soon)
Content export and back-up Help Check Check Check
Customer support Help Community-based support Help Center support Premium support

Source: Ning

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