Overtone Music Network

a common space & database for harmonic overtones


Evil Overtones

This is the group for overtone singing in punkrock, techno, daring experiments and crazy shit. Bizarre behaviour and strange stories of overtoners? This is the place to share and enjoy! ...yes, it´s me in the picture.

Members: 25
Latest Activity: Nov 8, 2018

Discussion Forum

throat singing and black magick rituals !?? 4 Replies

just found this and thought it belongs here...!!!warning - real crazy crowley stuff! do not follow this links if you can´t stay in your own healthy mental focus! never fear the evil! fear is the dark…Continue

Started by Felix Mönnich. Last reply by Gisbert Schürig Feb 19, 2016.

Evil Overtones 23 Replies

Overtone Singing can be so controversial, uncompromising, ugly, it can have very strange overtones and evoke seriously freaky reactions.Come along with your stuff.And, of course, watch the my page…Continue

Started by Gisbert Schürig. Last reply by Danibal Jan 10, 2016.

Sounds like Throatsinging - crazy enough?

Found this on youtube.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xPEXEBoh5uoContinue

Started by Detlef Sellenriek Jan 10, 2016.

Comment Wall


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Comment by Gisbert Schürig on December 10, 2010 at 1:36pm

Cooler "Trippy Clip"!

Comment by Arjopa on December 10, 2010 at 10:55am

                           Evil Overtones - Trippy Khoomei!

                           Enjoy listening to Magic Musrooms!

                               Composed, sung & performed by

                 Arjopa, The Master U-like & Tony Trippy Tremollo

                       Video was taken at Bi Chem, near Kyzyl/ Tuva


Comment by Gisbert Schürig on December 3, 2010 at 12:27am
This is the first sketchy video of the Kargyraa Krew, singing parts of my composition 'Gogokokoroko'.

voices - Kolja Simon, Felix Mönnich, Martin Pässler, Gisbert Schürig
composition and programming - Gisbert Schürig

I am looking forward to our gig in Cologne on december the 11th and for the next recording sessions next year...

Comment by papajeahja Sandy Kühn on December 2, 2009 at 12:34am
habe mir gerade eure Seiten angschaut und eure Musik gehört und....
ich finde die Vielfalt und den Tiefgang spektakuler
ich liebe Obertöne
Comment by Bodhi Amol on May 12, 2009 at 6:05pm
I sure tend to behave bizzarely from time to time but i don't attribute it to the effects of throatsinging,but i enjoy having such a group here because to balance all the more "peaceful" and "meditative" we all need dark and strange sounds too!!!
Comment by Alexandre Viain / Jeevan Mukti on May 9, 2009 at 4:13pm
Hy there... I got a new track online :-)
Have a very sweet and nice day
Comment by Arjopa on February 11, 2009 at 6:28pm

This group is made for us & our Khoomei Throatsinging Country Punk!!

Greetings from

Arjopa & The Master U-like
(adopted members of Kuvezin Clan, Kyzyl,Tuva)

Comment by Gisbert Schürig on August 5, 2008 at 12:20am
Listen here:
The AlienVoices live in Bad Essen!
Comment by Gisbert Schürig on July 8, 2008 at 10:18am
Hi Danibal,
hey, this is exactly the stuff I´m looking for, thanks for sharing!
Comment by Danibal on July 6, 2008 at 8:33am
it's nice to find some disturbing sounds on theis network. here's my most "evil" track up to date. a jew's harp improvisation from hell. (turn down the volume) ;) http://www.simuze.nl/live/public/danibal/mp3hi/heavyploing.mp3

Members (25)


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Latest Activity

Arjopa posted a video

Out in the Woods

#throatsinging #campanula #longsong #lyrics by #arjopa #throatsinger #voiceshaman #musicshaman
Geo Goidaci posted a status
"Improvised concert in a Graveyard in Gräfelfing by Munich 2018 Ludger Bartels and me we love overtones :)"
Jul 17
Geo Goidaci posted a status
Jul 17
Jens Mügge commented on Arjopa's video
Jul 17
Arjopa commented on Arjopa's video
Jul 16
Arjopa posted a video

Arjopa - Live

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Thomas Mörth posted videos
Jul 15
papajeahja Sandy Kühn updated their profile
Jul 15
Jens Mügge posted a blog post
Jul 13
Andreas Eder posted a video

Farbklänge, Obertöne beim Orgelstimmen

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Sukadev Bretz posted a video

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Aionigma updated an event

Obertonkonzert zum Sommerbeginn at Evangelische Kirche

June 8, 2024 from 7pm to 8:30pm
Jun 1

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