Overtone Music Network

a common space & database for harmonic overtones

Price Increase by the social network provider of OMN

Just announced by Ning's CEO Jason Rosenthal, effective after July 20, 2011, Ning's Pro and Plus Subscription Plans will increase. That will force OMN to switch from NING Pro to NING Plus.How does affect this our Overtone Music Network? Okay: it will be to expensive to host songs on this site. You can always insert your videos as HTML iframe or HTML Embed Code from YouTube or/ and other video hosting websites  like YouTube. With some tricks and tipps you will be able to present your music on your own profile page. Tutorial videos will follow. Actually I am not able and willing to continue this site on an Annual NING Pro Plan.

The new pricing will be:

According to CEO Jason Rosendahl, Ning has added all kinds of new features in the past year, with major investments for an improved platform, better platform performance - - making Ning subscriptions more valuable.


He mentions the following features that have been implemented this past year:

Ning Design Studio (which can't be used on OMN because older member profiles will getting lost their own design - there this Ning Design Studio is unlocked here on OMN) , Social Sign-in, Leaderboards, Like Buttons and Ning Everywhere (an iPhone app, which is too expensive to use it) -

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