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Thanks Jens, for a linkt to this discussion. Have not read all your posts yet, but yesterday also a friend from Tuva asked for signature.
Well, if China wants to have khoomei as their heritage, then Russia has the same right..
Hi Iza, I saw that more then 8700 people signed this petition now. Yes, if China wants to have khoomei as their heritage, then Russia has the same right and Mongolia of course too. Therefore khoomei can be listed only as multinational intangible heritage. I think what Hing Chao has posted here is important: » Hoomei is a very important heritage of Inner Mongolia but at the same time it certainly does not lay exclusive claim to it. «
Excellent reply and confusion cleared!
Hello All,

Just a quick reply to all these very good points. I was informed about this situation by a Monglian sometime ago and emailed Unesco. The upshot of this is that anyone who lays claim to an intangibale cultural heritage has to apply to Unesco. I contacted the Mongolian cultural attache in London and they contacted the Mongolian government in Ulaanbaatar who replied saying that they are dealing with this side of things. I suggest someone contact the Tuvan authorities to do the same as I do not have the contactes in that area of the world.

The idea of intangible cultural heritage is in my opinion a political, cultural, historical, financial and music business minefield. It is wonderful to promote all stlyes of harmonic overtone singing, but when anyone claims ownership of it, it can cause so many bad vibes.

I mentioned to UNESCO that there was a very strong tradition of overtone singing in Germany and that they should clain intangible heritage. Apparantly this cannot happen as germany is not signed up, but in theory if it did, then this could happen! Cray world.

Regarding inner Mongolia, all the points mentioned above by everyone I feel are valid. Who knows where Khoomii/ei started. Although I do have a recording from inner Monfgolia,The Haslund-Christensen Collection no. 143 of Two men singing together, recorded on August 23rd 1938 in Khukhu Khoto. One of them seems to be singing a type of Khargiraa, which is basically just a drone for the other singer to sing a melody ontop in a non overtone singing voice. This is very interesting but proves nothing.

keep the good work up
Here's an update: http://www.unesco.org/culture/ich/index.php?lg=en&pg=00011&...

So, Mongolia is "in the club." Hopefully Russia will act soon, too.
Hi Steve,

Thank for this. Great news that the Mongolian tradition has been recognised. let's hope that The Tuvan tradition is recognised by UNESCO soon.
Hi Steve, thanks for this update of this discussion. Russia will act soon I hope, that Tuva will be in the list too!

Steve Sklar said:
Here's an update: www.unesco.org/The_Mongolian_traditional_art_of_Khöömei_(overtone_singing)

So, Mongolia is "in the club." Hopefully Russia will act soon, too.

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