Hi ... I found a video on YouTube today of this artistic genius. You can read on his MySpace Music site that his "overtone technique is based on western ideas and is different from Asian vocals. It was only in the past few years, when" he "started really mastering the technique, that" he "visited these countries and worked with musicians from other cultures, and found his expression surprisingly autonomous. In Asia" he was told that the whistling tones of overtone singing do not come from your own throat, but rather from the spiritual bird that sings from within, and that those who possess it have a faithful messenger to the other world, the world above." You can read more about him on www.myspace.com/christianzehnder or visit his website www.zehndermusic.ch which shall be in English soon. I enjoy this video down below to study his unique overtone singing technique.
"In Asia I was told that the whistling tones of overtone singing do not come from your own throat, but rather from the spiritual bird that sings from within, and that those who possess it have a faithful messenger to the other world, the world above".
What a lovely and heartful idea!
I think, I saw Christian in a documentation with Hun Huur Tu? I remember after that, I tryed to sing my overtones by using my finger on my lips as Christian did.
A great inspiration!
Hello Birgit, this cite from Christian Zehnders MySpace Website: "In Asia I was told that the whistling tones of overtone singing do not come from your own throat, but rather from the spiritual bird that sings from within, and that those who possess it have a faithful messenger to the other world, the world above" is really a heartful idea. Christian Zehnder is one of the actors in the documentary movie "Heimatklänge" I heard him last year in Prague at the Overtone Festival. You can see some photos here - and I saw this technique to play with your lips during you sing overtones the first time and I am inspireed by this technique. Blessful greetings, Jens
Christian is also member of the group Stimmhorn. I love his way of singing.
Try to hear the CD SCHNEE it is wonderful. Joddeling Alphorn Overtonsinging and so on.
Stimmhorn is one of my all-time favourite bands and Christian is the reason I started overtone singing. I saw him in the "Heimatklänge" (Echoes from Home) documentary a few years ago and was completely overcome with a deep feeling of release and inspiration. As soon as I left the theatre I started trying to yodel and make overtones (and I haven't stopped!) I had the great fortune to be able to meet him last summer at a music festival and say thank you :)
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