Optimal Overtone Numbering System

Let us discuss which overtone numbering system would be the best to agree on. Which numbering system for overtones would You recommend to become an international "ISO-standard" ?

Overtones vs. harmonics

As the terms are defined here, the different numbering systems exist because there is a distinction between an overtone (or partial) and a harmonic. Hamonics are exact multiples of the fundamental pitch, so the fundamental counts as 1. Overtones are partial frequencies relative to the fundamental, so the fundamental is not counted.
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    Marco Tonini

    We know, Dave.

    For me it is a conventional problem only. Important is understand what is the more clear, simple and obvious method. And I think that we are all agree. Or not?
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    Filip Rydlo

    I hope You are right, Marco.

    "We know" and "we all agree". I wish it is true that way.

    For me it is also just a conventional problem.
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    Dave Seidel

    I agree, it is a matter of convention. For me, numbering based on harmonics makes the most sense, but that is just the way my mind works -- I see it in mathematical and analytical terms. This is probably related to the fact that that my practical thinking about overtones/harmonics is primarily from the point of view of synthesis, rather then natural sources like voice or physical instruments. So I don't expect others to share my perspective if they are approaching it as a performer rather than as a composer of electronic music.