Overtone Music Network

a common space & database for harmonic overtones

Skye Løfvander's Comments

Comment Wall (17 comments)

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At 12:55pm on May 22, 2015, Völven said…

Hi Skye, thanks for the add ;) best regards, Kali

At 12:55pm on February 24, 2013, Bernhard Hanreich said…

Hi Skye
Jens gave me the link to your map soundplaces,.. I started a new group Overtone Music locations and my Idea is to creat a map like yours but for locations that present overtonemusic. How did you do your map can you help me or post one in the group?

At 12:59am on September 30, 2010, Gisbert Schürig said…
I read some of your explanations on the sound/color relationship which I consider really sophisticated. Cool.
At 10:54am on August 16, 2010, Max Brumberg said…
Hello Skye, thank you for your map of the acoustic power places, it helped me to find the tegner's museum. i was lucky it was opened and so i could have a very beautiful sound experience there singing harmonics, playing my fujara and satara flutes.. for future times i know that you live close, going to contact you and may be then we can have some time togehter.. this time i was there with chris klie, he knows you..
At 6:09pm on April 29, 2010, Arjopa said…
Dear Sky!
Thanx a lot for your OMN friendship!
Your music is just wonderful!

Hope you like our Khoomei Throatsinging Folk Rock,too!

Greetings from Berlin!
Arjopa & The Master U-like

At 10:10am on April 9, 2010, malene bichel said…
Hej Skye
Spændende univers herinde. -og Stort:-)
At 1:13pm on March 19, 2010, Ann-Charlotte Magnusson said…
Hej, Skye och tack!

Jag ser fram emot allt spännande som man kan utforska i detta forum! Din sång är mycket vacker!

Varma hälsningar
Ann-Charlotte Magnusson
At 6:52pm on March 13, 2010, Kasper Søeborg Ohlsen said…
Hej Skye !
Tak , Tibet er en utrolig oplevelse. Flot side du har fået lavet dig!
Jeg er stadig ved "bare at finde ud af hvordan det fungerer"...men her er mange intessante sider. Er der noget du vil anbefale udover Nordisk Forum?
Knuz Kasper
At 7:48pm on March 5, 2010,
Jan Heinke
hey skye, thanks for connecting us and for your beautiful music here. hope you're fine. actually i'm occupied by different projects but hope for more time to communicate soon.
all the best, jan
At 12:15pm on March 4, 2010, Daniel Pircher said…
beautiful sounds Thanx!!!

At 10:02pm on March 1, 2010, fiona rueggeberg said…
i enjoy Your voice : )
thank You!

At 3:54pm on February 26, 2010, Werner Worschech said…
hi skye,
thanks for connecting and welcome to my circle of friends!

best wishes,
At 12:12pm on February 18, 2010,
Karin Höghielm
Hello Skye. jag har spelat in i Lau kyrka på Gotland.
Jag arbetar med ett lånsigtigt stemmeprojekt där sedan 2007 för stemme och klanginstrument.
Ha det fint
At 7:26pm on February 17, 2010, Marteinn Bjarnar Thordarson said…
Thanks for connecting!
Nice to meet you again Skye.. Met you once at Daniel Sedona's place in Copenhagen for few years ago.. Experienced a performance with you as well in some church in Kbh :)
Greetings and blessings to you always :):)
At 6:41pm on February 15, 2010, Barbara Lübben said…
Hello Skye,
thanks! Yes i should name Walhalla in "sounds and resonance..." Will do it next days...
Nice to hear you
At 5:10pm on February 3, 2010, Fabio Keiner said…
entrancing, mind lifting and simply magical ! thanks for singing and breathing... it's pure delight to listen!
At 10:15am on February 3, 2010, Jens Mügge said…
Hello Skye,

welcome to OMN - Overtone Music Network and thank you for sharing your knowledge in Tonation, Overtone Singing and more ...

Stay tuned,


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