After the study of acting at the "drama school", Max-Reinhardt-Seminar, Vienna, I played theatre and had some roles in films, also I worked as a painter, for this I visited the "academy of arts" in Vienna. Always was the voice accompanying my development: I researched for other dimensions in the frequencies of the spoken and sang language, in mantras, in studying classical singing, musical and jazz, to find my own way in music where I can express the transition between matter and infinity, between body and soul.
As a band we are:
Lothar Berger, Bonn-Köln, in the Duo "vola voce".
other musicians in change you see on my webpage.
Teachers: Jill Purce, Shainkho Namtchylak.
Main and best influence: "l`art de l`ecoute" - Marie-Pierre Labrune and Francois Louche (Lyon-France) since 1996, where you learn to express the different frequences of the time in the womb of the mother as the basic of every movement and sound and how to realise the "sound of the bones" as the deepest receiver and giver of any vibration.
Liebe Claudiha,
es hat mich sehr gefreut, Dich und Lothar mit dem neuen Programm (summ, summ, summ...) erleben zu können.
Gutes Gelingen wünsche ich Dir für Dein Buch. Ich kann´s kaum erwarten! Gib mir doch bitte Bescheid wenn es fertig ist.
Herzliche Grüße
Grüß dich Claudiha.
Good to have you here in this network - land beyond borders. I remember your workshop in Praha as the one with very fine tuned and sublte sounds. Leading to Listening Inside even more than SInging Outside.
Lieben Gruß, Paul
I have heard literally legends about Thee here in Czech republic, directly from my friends. One of them told me that she was listening to Thee on a czech radio station and ressonated so very much that she has begun to sing overtones along with Thine voice from the radio - just for that moment. Like a magical inspiration! Then after 2 years she finally has learned overtones on some workshop. :)
The second is the Legend about Thine path to singing. It is said that Thy wish to know singing was so strong that You have had searched until You have found a master of nada-yoga and that You have learned normal and then even overtone singing from Him - literally: living in a cave for two years.
I love legends. So I am glad to see Thee here in this network.
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es hat mich sehr gefreut, Dich und Lothar mit dem neuen Programm (summ, summ, summ...) erleben zu können.
Gutes Gelingen wünsche ich Dir für Dein Buch. Ich kann´s kaum erwarten! Gib mir doch bitte Bescheid wenn es fertig ist.
Herzliche Grüße
I Love your voice, Claudiha, because it leads people inside their soul !
And that is also goal of my sound-soul search.
Good to have you here in this network - land beyond borders. I remember your workshop in Praha as the one with very fine tuned and sublte sounds. Leading to Listening Inside even more than SInging Outside.
Lieben Gruß, Paul
I have heard literally legends about Thee here in Czech republic, directly from my friends. One of them told me that she was listening to Thee on a czech radio station and ressonated so very much that she has begun to sing overtones along with Thine voice from the radio - just for that moment. Like a magical inspiration! Then after 2 years she finally has learned overtones on some workshop. :)
The second is the Legend about Thine path to singing. It is said that Thy wish to know singing was so strong that You have had searched until You have found a master of nada-yoga and that You have learned normal and then even overtone singing from Him - literally: living in a cave for two years.
I love legends. So I am glad to see Thee here in this network.