Overtone Music Network

a common space & database for harmonic overtones

I know,
most of us manage workshops, lectures, private lessons about overtones and voice, and it is right we ask a fee to partecipate.
It is a free network, and nobody ask to disclose own vocal secrets, but ...
I think there are many experts but many novices too, or people that try to learn something.
I'd like this space is used to attract more overtone lovers, so it would be adequate to write our feelings, experiences, something about technique, theory, ...
It can be a nice way to keep close beginners.

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Replies to This Discussion

Hi Marco,

Good question. I think that in my experience, networks like this often attract a lot of members, but except for maybe posting a gig, workshop, or the infrequent tune or video, or just sending greetings to each other, most folks are just not very interested in anything deeper or more substantial.

I have at times posted about techniques, ideas, or other matters and months or more later, there are very few or more likely no responses. That tells me that it probably is not worth the time to make additional efforts. So no fear, but little motivation to make a larger effort.

Another thing: I have touched on this elsewhere here (getting no response) that often "overtone people" have a seemingly intense but shallow interest when it comes to improving their singing (especially technique). Unlike folks who get inspired by their instruments (compare attitudes in the didg world to the OS world) overtone singers are much more likely to be happy with rather meager skills. No diss to those who are exceptions (and if they stick with it, everyone knows who they are); there are indeed some who are more serious but they really are exceptions.

At least I am confident that you will read this, Marco!

If you are interested in discussing techniques/theory/experiences, etc., you might try my forum. Perhaps you'll get a better response there. It's a popular topic, though that board also varies a lot between busy and slow.


Steve Sklar
Thanks Steve!

Sure, I know your great forum, once I inserted there some comments.
I agree with you, I only say that here on OMN we are more than 1000 members, a good number, and I'd like experts share own experience (technique and theory) to attract more OS lovers. Here on OMN.
In Italy many people look at OS with hesitation, I think because they look at experts like semigods, or unattainable persons, so I hope famous names of OS come close biginners and not vice versa.

Thanks to you!
Yes, Marco, I understand that you mean here on OMN. At times I have had to limit participation here rather than neglect my own forum, but other times have little to offer because there is no response when I do. I'm not complaining; things are as they are but lack of interest is not an effective motivator, at least for me.

I agree, 1000 is a fine number, but I'm not sure what it means besides naming a quantity. I respect the efforts that you and Jens make, but can understand all to well any frustrations.

You may know, before here or my forum I made a number of attempts to bring OS/TS-ers together. It was a lot of work, cost me $$, and produced little due to the same lack of interest and enthusiasm that we see here, apart from joining and greetings. So, I decided to focus my energies elsewhere, mainly in the 3-d world.

But, I don't want to be a "stick in the mud." If there is anything that you'd like to discuss or ask, if it's a topic where I can add something of value, than let me know and let's give it a try.

Lately I am turning some attention and energy to another long-shot concept, a Hall of Fame for Overtone/Throat-Singing. No interest here (except Jens, of course!) so far... we shall see.


What's that I hear? Oh, yeah, silence.


Prove me wrong, people!
Ciao Marco and hi Steve ... I have read this thread without any response yet. Have we fear? Are we overloaded with facebook, MySpace, YouTube and other social networking sites? This network has 1000 profile page. But it is only a number. No reason to judge about the motivation to sign up this network and be a member of this group specially. Yes, many novices signed up this network to be connected with experts. So this site also like Steve's sites and your tertium auris blog can be an offer ... an offer for what? To getting in touch and getting closer with overtones, overtone singing and a kind of music with a high level of harmonics. What we can do is only to make an offer - not more. Stay tuned with a long breath! We are just always at the beginning. Best, Jm
Jens, where did your fear post ago? I replied then it disappeared.
Sorry Steve ... I had written that I am getting fear to share and it was so much fearful if my response was maybe to much destructive that my fear as stronger than me and I deleted my short reply in one sentence. I haven't meant to delete your or any other reply. So have we fear to share ? It seems: yes we have?! Yesterday I received a private message about what's the difference between kagyraa and chanting by tibetan monks ? and i thought: Oh ... that would be good stuff for a interesting discussion. But to answer in a private message is not what i want. So ... yes, if I recieve more of these messages I am getting fear and more fear to share ...
Jens, relax! Breathe deeply... No need for fear, is there? Now, what happened? Karg vs monk chant? Easy to address; what were the questions?

Thanx Steve ... everything is okay. I am joking ...! Javier: Which is the differences beetween kargyraa and tibetan chanting???
hi jens and steve,

i do not understand the problems you guys have to share something with other people. to me is to share is one of the most positiv properties we have as human. the aim is not to run the fastest, the way is the aim. so, please slow down and open your mind brothers.

with no fear regards

Hi Wolfman and Jens et al,

Perhaps I'm mistaken, but I don't think we were really saying that any of us are afraid to share. Certainly in my case, that's not so, but rather that we sense that there just isn't much interest or response, so is there a reason to invest the time and effort? Personally, I have other venues to just post my thoughts/opinions/perspectives, such as my own sites. Elsewhere, honestly, for me to be motivated requires a sense of engagement, sharing as opposed to lecturing.

I plan to share my thoughts re: the karg/monk question asap when I have a bit more time.

Happy 2010,



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