Journey In Diphonia's English web page is online!

The documentary maker Jean-François Castell has started the shooting of the film Journey In Diphonia, a sequel of Masters of Overtone Singing. This new film traces back the adventures of the project 'Anthology of Mongolian Khöömii', to present the Mongolian khöömii in all its diversity and contemporaneity.

To create this film, we have started a crowdfunding campaign until the 31 March 2017.

Please find out more about this project and contribute according to your possibilities:

Here's the film trailer on youtube:

Please feel free to disseminate this information, sharing is a precious contribution, too!
Follow the Facebook page of the film for timely updates.
Thank you very much indeed for your confidence!

As we promised, here's the English information on the film, its crowdfunding campaign and quid pro quoi:

Time: February 11, 2017 to March 31, 2017

Location: Online

City/Town: France / Mongolia

Website or Map:

Event Type: film